How tall is Ana Alicia?
Ana Alicia was born in Mexico City in 1956. Carlos Celestino Ortiz and Alicia Torres Ortiz had the third of four daughters. From the age of 6 after her dad's death she grew up in El Paso, Texas. She lived in a house her father had bought for her parents, her grandma, widowed mum, her uncle Louie and three brothers. Ana Alicia was awarded a full scholarship for the prestigious Massachusetts Wellesley College. Upon arrival, Jules Feiffer's "Crawler Arnold" was listened to and won by Ana Alicia. Ana Alicia auditioned at The Adobe Horseshoe Dinner Theater outside El Paso, Texas, during the summer break following her new year of freshness. In all film productions the theater gave her a role as a regular star. She would have a chance to work with Hollywood and New York name actors and receive significant weekly wages. During her time she accepted the offer and also received her actor's share card. She left Wellesley and graduated from El Paso's Texas College.

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