How tall is Angela Featherstone?

Angela Featherstone, working with such fine photographers as Irving Penn, David Bailey and Bruce Weber, began her teenage years as a professional fashion model. Yet she downplayed her stunning appearance to perform unexpected roles for her life's work in acting, emerging as an actress of remarkable versatility. She is best known for portraying Chloe in Friends and the Fiancé (Linda), who left the character of Adam Sandler (Robbie) in The Wedding Singer at the altar. She played Maggie's part most recently on Showtime's Ray Donovan and Jame on HBO's Kids. She's produced sitcoms for Sony, DreamWorks and NBC TV, and has written nonfiction for Time, Jane, Flare, The Huffington Post, Dame, and Zoomer.Her essay God Said No was written in Gargoyle Magazine's 2014 issue, and was nominated for the Pushcart Award. She curated Fuck Pretty in 2011, a series showcasing significant and talented female artists at the Robert Berman Gallery, and released "Coattail Glide" with Raymond Pettibon and band The Niche Makers.

5 feet 4 inches
1 m 65 cm

How tall is Angela Featherstone?

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Other 1 m 65 cm Celebrities

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