How tall was Cleo Moore?

Cleo Moore was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on 31 October 1924, at Cleouna Moore. Her parents were committed to Democratic politics. In the 1920s and 1930s, politics, in Louisiana, was an all-consuming passion with many families. Cleo started her trek into stardom when she took part in high school school plays. Cleo we d Palmer Long when she was just 15 years old. For years, Palmer's father had been one of Louisiana's politics ' movers and shakers, serving first as governor, and then as the United States Senate. He was assassinated in the state capital building in 1935 (Cleo, herself, was to run for Louisiana governor in 1956).

5 feet 2 inches
1 m 60 cm

How tall is Cleo Moore?

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