How tall was Jeanne Moreau?

As people gave Louis Malle credit for making Jeanne Moreau's star in Elevator to the Gallows (1958) immediately followed by The Lovers (1958), he would find out that Moreau was already "recognized as her generation's prime stage actress" by that time. In her 20s, she had given it to the Comédie Française.She appeared with Jean Gabin in B-movie thrillers and Ascenseur appeared in that genre. After seeing Ascenseur's first week of dailies the technicians at the film lab went to the producer and said: "You must not encourage Malle to kill Jeanne Moreau." Malle explained: "Only the Champs Elysées windows illumined her.

5 feet 2 inches
1 m 59 cm

How tall is Jeanne Moreau?

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