How tall is Jennifer Lim?
Jennifer Lim, a native of Hong Kong, currently lives and works out of NYC. She graduated from Bristol University in the United Kingdom with a Bachelor's degree, and attended the Yale School of Drama where she graduated in Acting with her MFA in 2004. She is a "half & part" (part Chinese half Korean) fluently bilingual Cantonese and Mandarin ... Then, if need exists, Korean enough to steam a plate of japchae.She played the lead role in London, to positive reviews, winning This Isn't Romance in In-Sook Chappell's Verity Bargate Prize, directed by former artistic director Lisa Goldman of Soho Theatre. She won high acclaim for her performance of Ophelia (performed in Mandarin) in Shakespeare's Hamlet in Shanghai and at the Grotowski Theater Festival in Wroclaw, adapted and directed by the much-lauded Rich

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