How tall is Lenny Clarke?
Lenny Clarke (conceived September 16, 1953) is an American humorist, and on-screen character, renowned for his thick Boston pronunciation and job as Uncle Teddy on the arrangement Rescue Me. He was the most renowned "cantina comic" in Boston during the 1980s, the prime of the Boston satire scene.The DVD discharge When Standup Stood Out (2006) subtleties Clarke's initial vocation and affiliations with different popular Boston funnies, for example, Steven Wright and Denis Leary, his old buddies. In 1980, Clarke composed and featured in a nearby TV program Lenny Clarke's Late Show highlighting Wright and Leary, as a team with Boston parody author Martin Olson. Clarke and Olson were flat mates, and their condo, referred to by entertainers as "The Barracks", was an infamous "crash cushion" for funnies visiting Boston, per the film.

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