How tall is Najarra Townsend?

By the time she was three, Najarra knew what she wanted to do in life. In her early childhood and adolescent years she started modeling and playing on local stage productions, continued to participate deeply in both theater and musical productions. At 10, she starred in the movie "Menace" her big screen debut. The 2005 Sundance and Cannes award-winning performance of Najarra, "Me and You and All We Know," drew international attention. Throughout her films, she was the titular character: "Teru Loved," "Marin Blue," "Betty I am," among other indie classics. She has played the character in several other movies. In 2014, the audience at IFC Midnight saw a new side of the young actress.

5 feet 6 inches
1 m 68 cm

How tall is Najarra Townsend?

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Other 1 m 68 cm Celebrities

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