How tall is Robert Altman?

Robert Altman was born on February 20th, 1925 in Kansas City, Missouri. He entered St. Peters Catholic school at the age of six, and spent a short time at a Catholic high school. He was then sent to Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri where he attended through Junior College. after a few months of work in writing scripts and editing films, Altman began directing films at Calvin. He wrote the screenplay for the Kansas City-produced feature film Corn's-A-Poppin' (1955), he produced and directed several television commercials including one with the Eileen Ford Agency, he co-created and directed the TV series The Pulse of the City (1953) which ran for one season on the independent Dumont network, and he even had a formative crack at directing local community theater.

6 feet
1 m 83 cm

How tall is Robert Altman?

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