How tall was Vivien Leigh?
Vivien Leigh (5 November 1913 – 8 July 1967), born after 1947 as Lady Olivier in Vivian Mary Hartley, was a British actress of the stage and screen. For her final roles as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Called Desire (1951), she won two Academy Awards for Best Actor, a role she had previously performed in London.Since finishing her drama school education in 1935, Leigh starred in four films in minor roles and progressed to the part of heroine in Fire Over England (1937). Lauded for her appearance, Leigh thought that perhaps her physical features prevented her from being taken seriously as an actor. Despite her success as a film star, Leigh was a stage actor in the first place.

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