How tall was W. C. Fields?

William Claude Dukenfield was the youngest of five children born to James Dukenfield, a Cockney refugee, and Kate Felton, of Philadelphia. For four years, he went to school, then quit working with his family, selling vegetables from a horse cart. At eleven, he walked away from home after several battles with his abusive father (who beat him with a shovel on the head). He stayed in a hole in the ground for a while, relying on the food and clothes taken. Also, he was tortured and spent the nights in prison. His first daily job was ice cream delivery. He was an experienced pool player and juggler by the age of 13. It was then, when he was first working as an entertainer at an amusement park in Norristown PA.

5 feet 6 inches
1 m 70 cm

How tall is W. C. Fields?

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