How tall is Jean Reno?
Jean Reno was born to Spanish parents (from Andalucía) Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jiménez in Casablanca, Morocco, who moved to North Africa to look for jobs. His dad was a Linotypist. At 17 Reno had settled in France. He began studying acting and has credits as well as roles in French television and theatre. His first two marriages both resulted in divorce, and each had two sons. His mother was raised in Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain, and his father was raised in Cadiz, Spain, in Sanlucar de Barrameda. Both were Conservatives, and left Franquist Spain to North Africa for the post-war period. They left Casablanca, when Juan "Jean" was 12 years old, to go to France.
6 feet 1 inches
1 m 87 cm

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