How tall is Jeff Kober?
Jeff Kober was born on 18 December 1953 in Billings, Montana. Kober was not happy that he was a rancher. Zone with a wish to become an actor in his twenties. In the 80s, series V (1984), he appeared for the first time on a small screen. Kober has also marketed the highly respected Vietnam War dramas of China Beach (1988) and Kindred: The Embraced (1996) as a short-lived, but now cult show of horrors. Kober has been on some of the most popular TV series of today following this series. The Special Victims Unit, 1999, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000), ER (1994), 24 (2001), The Closer, 2005 are all members of this organization.
5 feet 11 inches
1 m 81 cm

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