How tall is Kimberly Loaiza?
Kimberly Loaiza is a Mexican singer, social media personality, and YouTuber. She was born on December 12, 1997, in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. Loaiza rose to fame on social media, particularly on YouTube and Instagram, where she has amassed millions of followers. On YouTube, she has a channel with over 33 million subscribers and has uploaded videos of music, vlogs, challenges, and lifestyle content. She is known for her musical performances, with her music videos receiving millions of views. In addition to her social media career, Loaiza has also released several singles and albums, including "No Seas Celoso," "Me perdiste," and "Me Caiste del Cielo." She has collaborated with other well-known Latin music artists such as JD Pantoja, Lalo Ebratt, and Sofía Reyes.

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