How tall was Judy Garland?

One of Hollywood's Golden Era's brightest, most tragic film stars, Judy Garland was a much-loved character whose energy and spirit, along with her vibrant and exuberant voice, kept theater-goers entertained with a series of delightful musicals.Her mum, an accomplished woman skilled at playing various musical instruments, saw her daughter's talent at the tender age of just 2 as Baby Frances regularly sung "Jingle Bells" before she was pulled from the stage kicking and crying at one of her Christmas shows and quickly forced her into a dance act called "The Gumm Sisters" with her older sisters Mary Jane Gumm and Virginia Gumm. Knowing nevertheless that her youngest daughter would ultimately become the biggest success, Ethel quickly took Frances out of the act and together they travelled around America where she played solo in nightclubs, cabarets, hotels and theaters. Her home life was not a comfortable one, largely because of her mother's ambition to excel as an actress and also because of her father's near homosexuality.

4 feet 11 inches
1 m 52 cm

How tall is Judy Garland?

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